Reckless Driving Defense Lawyer Serving Roanoke and Surrounding Areas Since 1975
If you have a reckless driving ticket and your driver’s license is important to you, you need a lawyer who knows what to do and will put in the work necessary to get a good result in your case. Talk to a criminal defense attorney experienced in defending Reckless Driving tickets at the law offices of Harry F. Bosen, Jr., located across the street from the Roanoke County, VA courthouse, and a few minutes from four other county courthouses.
What Constitutes Reckless Driving
In Virginia, Reckless Driving tickets can be issued to any driver exceeding the posted speed limit by 20 m.p.h. A Reckless Driving ticket can also be issued to any driver exceeding 80 m.p.h., regardless of the posted speed limit. Considering that the posted speed limit on many Virginia highways is 70 m.p.h., it is relatively easy to reach 80 m.p.h. on these highways and get a ticket for Reckless Driving By Speed.
According to the Code of Virginia, Reckless Driving tickets can be issued at the discretion of a law enforcement officer if the officer perceives a vehicle being driven “recklessly or at a speed or in a manner so as to endanger the life, limb, or property”. Reckless driving tickets can also be issued if a law enforcement officer perceives a vehicle being operated while under any of the following conditions:
- “not under proper control”;
- “inadequate or improperly adjusted brakes”,
- passing on the crest of some hills;
- passing in some curves;
- the vehicle is loaded so that driver’s view outside of the vehicle is obstructed;
- the vehicle is loaded so that the driver’s controls are hindered;
- passing two vehicles abreast under some circumstances;
- “driving two vehicles abreast in a single lane”;
- passing at a railroad crossing under some circumstances;
- passing a stopped school bus under some circumstances;
- failing “to give adequate and timely signals of intention to turn, partly turn, slow down, or stop”;
- exceeding “a reasonable speed under the circumstances and traffic conditions existing at the time, regardless of any posted speed limit”;
- failing to yield right of way under some circumstances; and
- racing.
Punishments For Reckless Driving

The Code of Virginia sets Reckless Driving as a Class 1 misdemeanor. As a Class 1 misdemeanor, Reckless Driving is considered a criminal offense, not a simple traffic infraction. Class 1 misdemeanors are punishable by up to 12 months in jail and a $2,500 fine. Being an actual criminal offense, a conviction for Reckless Driving can affect current employment, employment opportunities and advancement, professional licenses, and government clearances. A Reckless Driving conviction typically leads to much higher car insurance rates, and may lead to an insurance company refusing to issue or renew an insurance policy.
Defending Your Rights, Protecting Your Interests
Free Consultation· Email or Call (540) 389-6940
Does your ability to earn a living depend on your driving privileges? Is maintaining a clean criminal record necessary for your current employment or opportunities for advancement? Is maintaining low insurance rates important to you? Do not go into a Roanoke courtroom alone. Protect your rights.
There are a number of tactics that a dedicated and determined criminal defense lawyer can use to make the most of the options available to you in a reckless driving case. If you have a decent driving record, we can often convince the authorities to reduce or dismiss the charges against you. If you have a poor driving record, there are additional tactics we can take to make to prevent you from being convicted of your original charge. We are familiar with the judges around Roanoke, which gives us insight into what the judges are willing to do in reckless driving cases.
Roanoke, VA traffic lawyer Harry F. Bosen, Jr. regularly defends reckless driving tickets in the following court jurisdictions:
- Botetourt County,
- City of Salem,
- Franklin County,
- Montgomery County,
- Roanoke City, and
- Roanoke County.
Contact Us
Email or call (540) 389-6940 today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Mr. Bosen will explain your options and what we can do to help you.